Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Foster Fluffies Now Have an Amazon Wishlist

After yesterday's post, I decided I would put together an Amazon wishlist of things that would be useful for the Foster Fluffies (and their humans) to have on hand. These items will NOT be used for our own personal pets - these are solely for the care of the fosters while they are in our homes. Foster parents are unpaid volunteers, we do this out of the love of our hearts and everything for these little guys come straight out of our pockets and we don't think twice. Be it a puppy with pneumonia who needs a vaporizer or just a scared and finicky eater who is only going to eat wet food that costs three dollars a can, call me nuts, but these are living creatures that need to be taken care of too. 

Now, I know many people have asked how they can help and I always point you straight to the Waggytail Rescue page. Please, please, please continue to donate to Waggy. They need money, now more than ever as they provide medical care and other services to dogs when they need them most, but if you are in the mood to buy a present for a little pup that is staying with us, please check out our Foster Essentials Amazon Wishlist of the things that we need the most at this time. I have also created a permanent link in the sidebar and as needs change, I will be constantly updating. 

Of the items listed here, the Sherpa carrier is probably the most essential at this point. NYC transport requires that dogs be in enclosed carriers and many of ours have fallen to pieces and the doggies deserve to be safe and comfy on the way to their foster homes and vet visits. Plus, Amazon has the best prices on these carriers that I have ever seen!

The puppies and I thank you in advance!

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